Thursday, September 10, 2020

Humanity vs. Ideology

There has long been a debate regarding the authenticity of the media. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted this issue. Depending on which news station you follow, or what company you choose to get your data from, the answers and statements about COVID were very different. In the beginning of the crisis, most Republican biased media blew off the pandemic and claimed it was a liberal scam to shift the country to socialist tendencies and allow for a reduction of "American freedom". Where as Liberal biased media blew up the statistics and made rash claims that sparked fear and shortages across the country. Even neutral sources, such as the Center for Disease Control, has been shown to be publishing inaccurate data regarding COVID. This leaves the question, where is one supposed to get accurate data from? I don't think there is an exact answer to that question. I don't think there is one definite source 100% reputable to rely on. I would recommend reading and retaining information from a variety of different types of sources. Find the common ground, find what's different, and do some research on the two. The only way to become knowledgeable about something is to actively educate yourself about it. Simply reading an article isn't going to help you, as that article is always going to be written in some type of bias. An article I've found that agrees with much of my perspectives and a lot of what I've talked about in this post is linked here:  Covid-19 Can Change International Politics Forever

In my household, the majority of my family members are conservative. Thus, they only watch and read conservative news. This causes a conflict because a lot of the time I have point of their bias and help them see facts. Honestly, I think the way this pandemic has been politicized is going to be more of a long term problem than the pandemic itself. Once a vaccine has been produced, this pandemic will be remembered as nothing more than an awful, weird, exciting event that happened in our lives.The effects of this pandemic though, that's what will be remembered. The gap between partisan politics has somehow become even larger, with political tension running rampant in the country. Beyond that, politics regarding to the global society has also become unbelievably tense. I've seen people shrug away and distance themselves from those of Asian heritage in grocery stores, because COVID-19 has been labeled "the Chinese virus". Where is the line drawn? At what point does humanity come before ideology? 

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